Global Sustainability Goals were honoured to be official media partners with the Distributed Energy Show, presented by Event Partners on the 14th and 15 of March at Telford International Centre. As a media partner to the event we had an opportunity to take some photo and video footage, capturing the advocates in the Race to Net Zero.

The show had fantastic attendance, boasting over 200 exhibitors and 2500 visitors. A more than suitable audience to network and create a puzzle piece in the grand picture that is NET ZERO.

The Distributed Energy show utilised its space; spacing stands perfectly to allow for the foot traffic to be fluid and uninterrupted as well as keeping the stands with a feeling of being connected and intimate.

The staff were accommodating, happy to help with any queries or inconveniences. Their efforts kept the event organised, maintaining the structure and security more than efficiently.

Speaking of efficiency – the Event was partnered with EnviroTech, they placed one of their ingenious mobile charging units in the car park to assist electric car drivers. EnviroTech are not only assisting in the journey to Net zero but also in our journey home!

All the speakers that were present used their allocated slot to share their knowledge and solutions – staying direct and informative to point. All solutions mentioned were relevant to the topic of distributed energy. The audience interaction provided some impressive questions that were resourceful for the speakers and for those listening to gain answers that were previously an omission.

The stands and exhibitors themselves provided a solution for many aspects – from business and corporate solutions to commercial and private options that can lower your own personal carbon footprint.

In conclusion, we at Global Sustainability Goals thought the event was perfectly crafted. A fantastic balance of information and interactivity. We would like to say a big thank you to both The event people and all the exhibitors that made the event so successful as well as furthering the idea of alternative energy and sustainability. We are looking forward to next one!

28th & 29th June 2023
NEC, Birmingham, UK
28th & 29th June 2023
NEC, Birmingham, UK